Making the workplace a happier place.

We started Workplace Wellness NI because we recognised firsthand – through both private and corporate work – the stress and demands that the workplace was putting on employees.

There is a much broader understanding and application of holistic health and well-being approaches in many workplaces, however it’s also very clear that there’s a gap - with many organisations not yet embracing the health and well-being agenda to full effect.

This is where Workplace Wellness NI can help.

Our objective is to help you create a happier and healthier workforce. 

When your staff are happy and healthier, your business thrives.

According to the Workplace Health Leadership Group NI, employee ill health costs Northern Ireland businesses £238m, with approx 16,000 employees affected by stress, depression or anxiety each year.

Including holistic therapies as part of your wellbeing strategy to support your team will not only boost morale and reduce stress, but it has been proven to deliver a 20% reduction in sick days (source MHFA Eng 2018).